Employers Consultative Association of Malawi-ECAM urges all employers both small and big organisations to consider training their employees as one way to prevent harassment and discrimination to foster productivity and decent work in the workplace.

In a statement made by ECAM Executive Director George Khaki says it is quite unfortunate that decent work is not thriving as it should in some workplaces as individuals choose to harass and discriminate against other workers.

“In the workplace, people can be targeted due to their circumstances and face harassment or discrimination in form of sexual orientation, marital status, union membership, disability or pregnancy, said Khaki

Khaki said ECAM encourages all employers to continue considering in-house training for employees to be able to understand, recognize and report when such issues happen in the workplace.

Khaki added that diversity training for key personnel and regularly reviewing company policies and monitoring employee interactions to ensure compliance is crucial.

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