Who We Are

The Employers’ Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) was registered in 1963 under the Trustees Incorporation Act of Malawi as an employers’ trade association representing all subscribing employers. We have direct membership from 250 organizations which includes 6 associations.

The Associations represent over 277, 000 members. Th primary role of the Employers’ Consultative Association of Malawi (ECAM) is the promotion, guidance and protection of employers’ interests in labour, employment and social-economic issues.

A unique advantage that ECAM has over other organizations that deal with employers in Malawi is that it is the only institution recognised by the Labour Relations Act (LRA) of 1996 as a representative body of employers. ECAM, thus, forms part of the tripartite in the labour market in Malawi which is comprised of the Government as represented by the Ministry of Labour, Skill and Innovation and the Malawi Congress of Trade Unions (MCTU), representing unions.

As part of the tripartite, ECAM represents employers in among other things the process of revising minimum wages and the highest advisory body on labour issues, the Tripartite Labour Advisory Council (TLAC). The TLAC advices the Minister on issues relating to labour and employment, freedom of association, international labour standards and human resources development. Further to that, ECAM is also part of the Industrial Relations Court (IRC). The IRC arbitrates over labour disputes between employers and employees. The IRC’s decision has the same force and effect as any other decision of a competent court (s.75). From time to time, ECAM collects and collated information on economic and employment matters. In addition, we issue position papers and public statements of direct interest to employers through mass media and appropriate for a. ECAM is also extensively engaged in management development programmes.

Our Mission

Our mission is “to provide efficient, relevant, professional and quality services for enterprise development and competitiveness through:

  • Building stronger and effective partnerships towards fostering an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises.
  • Influencing socio-economic policies affecting business.
  • Promoting sound labour relations and good governance.

Our Vision

The vision of ECAM is ‘to be the leading and proactive voice of employers in Malawi”.

  • We will work with you to manage your people
  • We work with you to raise the voice and profile of your business in Malawi
  • We will work with you to tackle your industry issues

Our Values

ECAM’s core values which will define its philosophy of operations are:

  • Diversity
  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Tri-partism
  • Social dialogue
  • Good governance
  • Professionalism

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