
Reasons For Joining ECAM Membership

Under the Labour Relations Acts (LRA), all employers in Malawi have the
right to:

  • Join and take part in lawful ECAM activities
  • Contribute to Malawi’s economic growth by influencing labour employment and enterprise development related laws and policies
  1. Membership of an influential network on labour laws and economic growth.
  2. Access to best skills development and training to embrace the culture of best practices at workplace.
  3. Access to relevant and latest labour/employment related information that easiest the way of doing business.
  4. We will work with you to manage your people at reasonable rates
  5. Eligible to represent employers in various forums that influence labour policies
  6. Access to legal and industrial relations services as well as representation at Employment and Labour Relations Courts at discounted rates.
  7. ECAM is an avenue for business networking.

Download Membership Application Form

Membership Application Form
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