Pre-Event: All Set for the Business Breakfast Meeting

Preparations are underway for the high
level breakfast meeting organized by
Employers’ Consultative Association of
Malawi-ECAM in partnership with
Dutch Employers Cooperation
The breakfast meeting will convene
close to 30 executives from member
companies for 2 hours on Monday 29
November 2021 at Sunbird Capital
Hotel in Lilongwe.

The meeting will provide networking
opportunities and provide insights on
the recently gazetted Employment and
Labour Relations Acts and the
importance of Social Dialogue both at
Enterprise and National Level.
Also there will be a Keynote Speech on
the World Post Covid-19 to be presented
by the DECP Special Adviser from

The plenary discussions will centre on
pressing concerns that employers are
facing and seek solutions for mitigation
of challenges in the world of work.
As ECAM we are convinced that when
leaders are knowledgeable on emerging
issues it facilitates employee relations
and improves workplace production

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