Addressing Decent Work Deficits and Improving Access to Rights in Malawi’s Tobacco Sector

Addressing decent work deficits and improving access to rights in Malawi’s tobacco sector

The International Labour Organisation-ILO is implementing a country-level development cooperation project over a period of four years, during 2020 – 2024. The overall objective of the project is to ensure that, over the period of four years, the Government, employers’ and workers’ organizations effectively address decent work deficits in the tobacco sector and ensure access to rights, in particular, fundamental principles and rights at work as a means to improve livelihoods, incomes and food security.

The project strategy is based on the ILO’s global Integrated Strategy to address decent work deficits in the tobacco sector,3 as adopted by the ILO Governing Body on 31 October 2019 [GB.337/POL/5/decision] and is further framed by Alliance 8.7 for which Malawi is a Pathfinder Country.4 Based on three building blocks of the ILO’s global Integrated Strategy: (1) enabling policy environment; (2) strengthened social dialogue; and (3) addressing decent work deficits in tobacco-growing communities including child labour and including through economic diversification, the project follows a two-pronged strategy combining institutional development component with a direct support component.

Objective of the Assigment

The objective of this assignment is to strengthen the capacity of employers to address Decent work deficits, Child Labour, Forced Labour and Violations of Acceptable Conditions of Work (Violation and Harassment in the workplace.

 Scope of Work

  • Building the capacity and raising awareness of ECAM’s membership on the abolition of tenancy labour system, forced labour, child Labour, forced labour, Violations, and harassment at work.
  • Mainstreaming decent work with focus on forced labour, Modern slavery and child labour, violations, and harassment work into ECAM’s programmes and activities.
  • Developing and strengthening advocacy campaign targeted at employers on the promotion of Decent Work and International Labour Standards that include the importance of issuing written contracts in the tobacco sector.